Time to Vote
The election date is Feb. 11th, 2020.
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We Need You

We are an all volunteer organization, and your help is needed to organize and support the vote YES campaign.

Please sign up and let us know how you can help.

Interested in supporting our campaign? SIGN UP!

As campaign events get planned in March and April, we will add them here so people can sign up directly for individual activities, too.

Sign Waving Link

The Washougal Citizens for Schools PAC needs your help with sign waving! We will have signs at 32nd and Evergreen (Jack in the Box parking lot) and Washougal River Road and E Street (Los Dos Compadres 2 parking lot). It is a good idea to dress in comfortable clothes, bring lots of positive energy, and a big smile. Feel free to bring someone with you! We have two time slots per sign waiving event, 5:00 – 5:45 PM and 5:45 – 6:30 PM. Please plan to be at the location of your choice for 45 minutes. .

Levy Canvassing Sign-Up

Canvassing involves going door-to-door in Washougal neighborhoods and having conversations about the upcoming WSD replacement levy with community members. We have estimated that ballots will be mailed the week of April 3 so we are planning April 1 and 8 from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM as our canvassing dates. We have identified roughly 2,000 Washougal households with likely voters. It is a good idea to dress warm, bring lots of positive energy, a big smile and a friend.

Meet at Bethel Community Church (1438 B St, Washougal, WA 98671)

Our Goal: 100 volunteers to knock on approximately 20 doors each across the two weekends.  With enough volunteers, we can make sure everyone has the info they need to participate in the election.